"Finesse your French and Sound more like a Native"
Mastering French Pronunciation: Video Course is a 8-chapter course taught by me in Video and Audio. The course material teaches the basics of good pronunciation, taking up each vowel and consonant sound in detail, but it goes much further than that.
The core of my teaching lies in this question, “Are you speaking French with an Anglo-American mouth?” A student can imitate the sounds of a language with fair accuracy, but if he or she is forming those sounds with the mouth posture of the English language, the result will never be authentic-sounding French. The main emphasis of this teaching is to help you to become aware of the your native speech habits and to learn the speech habits of “the French mouth”
Course Contents:
Lesson 1: Introduction to the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
Lesson 2: The Anglo-American vs. the French mouth positions and "Open Syllabication": the French habit of ending each syllable in a vowel and anticipating the vowel. These 2 features are the heart and soul of the course, teaching "what the French do to sound French."
Lesson 3: Detailed pronunciation of each French vowel sound and where made in the mouth
Lesson 4: Vowels continued: the mute e and open/closed vowels
Lesson 5: Detailed pronunciation of each French consonant, with special attention to the "r".
Lesson 6: Consonants continued: détente; non-aspiration of consonants; semi-vowels with emphasis on the /j/
Lesson 7: Avoiding English habit of nasalizing all vowels, with illustrations of the French mouth
Lesson 8: Rhythm and Accent
"Merci mille fois, Geri Metz!
After so many years of study with various teachers, classes, books, cds and videos, no one until now, had ever explained so clearly the subtle nuances in proper pronunciation, tapping into the beauty and musicality of the French language. Anyone who looks to improve their French speaking skills must take this course. “
Melinda K. Hall, Santa Fe, NM
Only $129 for the 8 part Audio/Video course!
8 Video Lessons w/ Geri with Video Examples of a Native French Speaker for Each Lesson
8 Audio Lessons and Practice Sessions w/ Geri
Class Materials to Print Out
5 Hours of in Depth Instruction!
30 Day Money Back Guarantee!
Private Tutoring Available via Zoom
The course is instantly accessible from the members only area of the site. Once you've signed up just click on the "Login" selection in the top menu to get started!
Geri also offers private lessons for ANYONE who would like to check up on their accent. All are welcome. (see “Tutoring” for more information)
NEW FEATURE! Audio Lessons and Practice Sessions spoken by Geri
Grenouille: As in most of the “hard words” listed by expats, there is that “ill” combination which seems hard to say but is really just one sound, the semi-vowel “iyuh” as in il y a.
These Lessons allow students to practice the exercises in depth and develop the authentic French sound they are seeking. In the Audio portion of the course, Geri reviews and reinforces the teaching material of the video classes. She then models the exercises, the “homework” of each lesson, which are like doing scales for a music student. She reads the exercises: first very slowly, so students can give maximum attention to open syllabication and how to form each sound, and then working up to normal speed. This part of the teaching is really the key to Mastering the course material, so that the positions of “the French mouth” become the new habit.
In addition, the exercises are read on video by a native French speaker at normal speed so students can hear the authentic pronunciation and see the mouth positions of the speaker for reference.
Who should take this course?
Expats living in France. American expats or British expats in France will be helped to finesse their French so they sound more like a native and feel more comfortable in their daily activities.
French majors particularly those going overseas for Junior Year Abroad or other exchange programs. Often students have not yet had a course in phonetics and so are not aware of how to make the sounds of French. Being in France does not guarantee that you will lose your American accent!
Au Pair participants going to French speaking countries
Business people who work in France and communicate with French speakers. Clients will be impressed with your improved accent.
Actors and singers
Travelers, who travel to France.
Teachers of French. (I designed the course originally to reach French teachers who are my former colleagues and whom I admire greatly for the contribution they make to promoting the French language and culture in their classes. I am hoping that many of them will take advantage of this course to perfect their accent so they can be a more accurate model for the next generation.)
All who love French and want to improve their accent as they stay connected to the language and culture of France. Many, if not most of the students are retired folks who enjoy keeping their French skills active.
Native speakers of French teaching American students will also enjoy this material, since it will help them explain to their students the mechanics of producing authentic French sounds as well as acquaint the teacher with the English speech habits their students are trying to change.
My mission is to help you realize your goal of sounding more authentic when speaking French. Here are some testimonials.
“I just have to say this course is absolutely amazing!
I don't remember why I chose your course out of the others I had seen - something just told me when I saw you: "this lady knows what she is talking about"!
I have been slowly going through the videos, and the practice sessions -- I can now make sounds easily that used to give me so many problems and were so hard to do before. More than that, it feels natural to make the sounds with the way the mouth is held. It now makes sense that those sounds would come out that way - it was a real struggle before!
I have a long way to go and a lot of practice before me but thank you for creating this course, it's a real joy!”
“You have given me a great gift. Because you have told me what to do and how to do it, I feel--at last!--equal to the challenge of speaking French as it should be spoken.” -H. Robeson
"Your review of the difference between the English “r” and the French is the first that allowed me to really get it. Now, I know that it is not about the lip position in the front of the mouth, but rather the tongue in the back of the mouth. The recognition that the French end their syllables after the vowel sound, where we tend to split them between two consonants, has been huge for me. If it were only for these two insights, your course would already be worth what I paid." -Catherine A.
"Let me say how much I am enjoying your course, and how much I appreciate the progress that I have been able to make. I have heard you say that you have a unique teaching style, and I must agree. I have been learning French in various countries over about 15 years, and yours is the most helpful approach I have ever found. I also enjoy your enthusiasm, which is infectious!”
“Your course has changed everything for me. I've tried a number of programmes like Assimil, but no matter how much I tried to imitate the sounds it never sounded right.I just knew there was more to the sounds of speaking French, but without your teaching I just couldn't learn what these are. Your course is utterly wonderful. I want to thank you very much indeed - everyone learning French should have this teaching!" -Emeritus Professor, Victoria Grace
Click HERE to read more testimonials
Do join my mailing list HERE to receive a weekly free mini video lesson in French pronunciation called "The Word of the Week." and my new series "Hard Words in French."
To sample my teaching style watch the videos on this page or go to my YouTube Channel for all my videos.
Hard Words in French #15: the French “r”. Many people think this uniquely French sound is hard to make and sounds harsh, but in reality it is very soft and quite easy to learn.